At Sharpe Farm Supplies we offer fast and friendly service at TWO elevator locations. We have prompt payment and extended receiving hours for all your grain needs. We also have forward contracting, cash sales, grain storage, and can pick up on-farm at your convenience. Call one of our Sharpe’s Specialists now for more information.

Guelph Elevator
7707 Mill Road
Guelph, Ontario
N1H 6J1
Tel: 519-837-0510
Toll Free: 1-800-520-7997
Fax: 519-837-4842

Swinton Park Elevator
245261 Southgate Road 24
Southgate, Ontario
N0C 1L0
Tel: 519-923-9900
Elevator Facts
- Equipment using the latest technology
- Two elevators with fast receiving pits and significant storage
- Accepts - Corn, Soybeans, non-GMO Soybeans, Food Grade Soybeans, Soft Red Winter Wheat, Hard Red Winter Wheat, Hard Red Spring Wheat, Barley, Mixed Grain, Oats, and Canola
- A broad range of seeds available highlighting some of the most advanced genetics and traits
John Sharpe
Bulk Logistics Manager & Guelph Elevator Operations Manager